Amidon Graphics new variable inkjet system of course!
We’ve vastly expanded our variable inkjet capabilities. You can now add up to 23.3” of variable print (images, bar codes, addresses, personalized text etc.) at the same time we are printing your job on our high-speed web presses.
What’s the big deal? Personalized, targeted direct mail gets higher response rates. High speed litho printing is relatively inexpensive compared to digital print, so with this hybrid system you get lower cost print for what remains the same on each piece, but still have the option to vary much of your copy to target your piece to each recipient. Make sense?
If not, call and ask your Sales Person to explain how this may be a benefit to your printing needs. Meanwhile, did you know that turkeys can run up to 45 MPH?
Happy Holiday Season!
The Folks at Amidon Graphics