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Employee Internet Usage Policy
Use of Internet
Access to the Internet through Amidon Graphics network is a privilege and carries responsibilities reflecting responsible and ethical use. Violations of this or any other Amidon Graphics policy subjects the employee-user to immediate revocation of system privileges and may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Personal Use
The employee-user is reminded that use of all Amidon Graphics communication devices – telephones, e-mail, voice mail and fax machines are primarily for the purpose of Amidon Graphics business. Any limited personal use is expected to be on the user’s own time and is not to interfere with the person’s job responsibilities.
Ethical Use of Internet
At any time and without prior notice, Amidon Graphics management reserves the right to examine e-mail, files, and other information stored on Amidon Graphics computers. Such examination may be needed to ensure compliance with internal policies, support the performance of internal investigations and assist the management of information systems or other reasons deemed appropriate. Amidon Graphics will use software to monitor Internet use, including (but not limited to): who is on-line, web sites visited, time of day and length of time online, as well as the sending and receiving of e-mail. Use of the Internet constitutes acceptance of such monitoring.
This policy should be read and interpreted in conjunction with all other Amidon Graphics policies including but not limited to policies prohibiting harassment, discrimination, offensive conduct or inappropriate behavior. Employee-users are prohibited from accessing the Internet for any unethical, illegal and immoral purposes, including pornography, violence, gambling, racism, harassment, or any illegal activity. Employee-users are forbidden from using profanity or vulgarity when posting electronic mail via the Internet.
Employee-users are also prohibited from using Internet access through Amidon Graphics systems for any other business or profit-making activities.
In general, employees should exercise the same restraint and caution in drafting and transmitting messages over the Internet as they would when writing a memorandum and should assume that their message may be saved and reviewed by someone other than the intended recipients.
Downloading Software
Employee-users are prohibited from downloading software, executable files or programs which change the configuration of your system from the Internet without prior written approval from management. Downloading of games from the Internet is prohibited. The employee-user should take extreme caution when downloading software or files from the Internet. All files or software should be passed through virus protection programs prior to use. It is mandatory that you comply with copyright and trademark laws when downloading material from the Internet.
If the employee-user finds that any damage occurred as a result of downloading software or files, the incident should be reported immediately to management.
Employee-users may not install other on-line services to access the Internet on Amidon Graphics owned computers.